Saturday, January 23, 2010

Yay! I've been blogged!

Check it out! I've been blogged...well, one of my yarns was mentioned in a blog. Check it out here:

In case you didn't notice, this is the yarn in the pic:

So it's 12:47am and I just got home from work, and as usual, I have yarn on the brain. More specifically I've been dreaming about exotic fibers, yak, cashmere, quivit/musk ox.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Offensively Pink

Yes, yes it is. It's so pink that it's offensive. Pictures cannot capture the dayglo, neon, pinkiness of this yarn. If you are not offended by the eye blindingness of this yarn, then it is for you...I saw this roving in a shop and my first thought was "ouch," my second thought was "OMG, I HAVE to have it!" so here we are. It's squishy, it's ultra smooshy, and it's pink.

Like what you see? You can buy it here: