Friday, February 5, 2010

Yan Candy! And blood...lots of blood!

So today there was a blood drive at our local Home Depot. I have given blood once before at my Community College, and it's something I've always felt strongly about. I figure it's an easy equation, I have blood, someone else needs blood to live, and I get candy out of the deal. The incentive this time was a 4oz box of sees assorted chocolates!

Little did we know that it was going to take over an hour and a Michael(the bf) sat in the car and entertained himself. I very much appreciate him coming and driving me back home as I get a tad loopy after donating blood. Anyway, during the wait, I was #6 in line, and of course I had my wheel in the car....things led to another and I got my wheel out, sat down, and spun!

I got plenty of funny looks, but one little old lady came up to me and we started chatting. She's a knitter, I'm a knitter, and we both LOVE yarn. I was spinning 100% Alpaca that will be listed in my shop shortly, and she kept commenting on the shine of the alpaca and the gorgeous red-brown. We discussed our favorite yarns, and "ultimate knitters dreams" such as owning an alpaca, vicuna(I said dream), paco-vicuna, or musk ox ranch. Yeah, we can dream.

Anywhooo...we've got a new yarn, well, three actually, in the shop. It's silky, lustrous, drapeable, and yak-ish. It's simply luscious.

This 50/50 blend of yak/silk is my candy!

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